Thursday 31 May 2012


Today,we continued on with our Smurf.  I was finished so I had to count how many red,white,blue and black.  Now we're counting up how many of the coloured cans there are and how much it will cost.  We looked at what would stick the cans together.  The best was dots of velcro and the worst was the blu-tack.  We are using the velcro,f ish tins and maybe MDF wood.  We are not allowed to use anything that will stick them permanently together (like hot glue) or will rip the labels off the cans.   

1 comment:

  1. What a neat looking smurf. Great way to do some maths without even noticing. Will be interesting when it comes to making the final canstruction.
    Mum (Trena)
