Thursday, 14 November 2013

The MAD scientists!!

Once there was a mad scientist called Thomas! "Mwhaha!" He liked being mad, especially experimenting on the PH scale, and that's what he did for days.
Experimenting with his friend Jacob, Thomas tested all different kinds of things: Toothpaste
V-drink(he didn't actually have any)
Soy sauce
Water & finally baking soda.

The two friends would work all hands on 24/7, throughout decades - they both struggled until it came to an end...
Jacob died in  the end and Thomas lived happily ever after! NO, actually - it didn't. Jacob rose from the dead, despite how ugly he was - Thomas coped with it!
The next day:
PH levels,
Soy sauce:4-5
baking soda:7

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Online safety

"Jenni!" I got called. 
A new topic got introduced today called Digital Citizenship. This is about online safety and how you could lose your photos, identity and important things about you. The internet is not as safe as you think it is! Once you've uploaded a image, you can change settings so no one can take or steel your profile, like Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. Jenni's phone once got lost, the day she bought it Jenni didn't activate an password, but lucky she did one the day before.
So lets all remember to do a lock or change some settings to make yourself feel safe and fresh.

Till next time,
Thomas W

Thursday, 24 October 2013


Have anyone here seen an alive robot before? I have but not like this. This was like an ultra sonic robot that I built. It was nothing big, just a robot on wheels. This was extremely hard to program especially because some little things may take a big part in a robots world. Kyle was first finished and took the robot for a test drive and completed the course in no time. My computer weren't liking me today because the software wasn't down loading. I completed my planning today but the robot wasn't constructed properly.

Until next time,

Thursday, 17 October 2013

"Ribbit, Rubbish, Ribbit, Rubbish!"

To you and Nicola. At the start of the day we had to say what we had learnt over the holidays. You probably won't want to hear mine! Anyway here goes nothing. I learnt not to sit beside my Dad at any sort of sports because all you hear is Southland, Southland!" And literally I'm not joking! The first activity was the technology challenge. Our supplies were: newspaper, tape and scissors to make a chair. No, no a person doesn't have to sit on it, the Granddad frog had to. I suppose you may be wondering how we make this. Easy... not really! In my group there were Kyle, Jemmimah and Jacob. The furniture was hard. With bits and bobs all over the place the assembling was starting. With our final product underway judging came around. Not Darryn, Nicola or Katie were the judges. This was the kids time to shine! One kid from each group was a judge and one of them was me! Weighing the frog the there was two that stood our group and another. With my hands behind my back it was like I was Matt Preston. In first place was the other group Samaria, Tara and Reina. Josh said we came in second but there wasn't any second! 
P.S come to Enrich's furniture store !

Your blogger,

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Nearly Christmas

G'day Scallywags, today it was pirate name day. My name is Red Bones Three Gates. Anyway... today I didn't go to SIT, I did it here at Enrich so this time I'm going to talk about... CHESS My rival today was Kyle. He put up a good fight but again I took the victory. It was mine. First off he had a Queen about to put me in check but Kyle pined my Queen, and so I did exactly the same to his. This carried on until the dead wire..... Kyle had his King and Rook, suddenly the tension built up and up. After about ten minutes of a game that went to Christmas almost I win in checkmate against my rival!!

Your blogger,


Thursday, 19 September 2013

"Put some muscle into it!"

Zipping up my overalls, I realised I forgot the packet of Gingernuts that Katie keeps telling me to take to SIT.  (P.S It's for our smoko). Ready to get the day underway I can see all of the materials on the work bench. Walking around the bench I take a good look at what the model looks like. Looking down on the bench, a whiteboard appears that Andy brought over. The first step for today was measuring out the bull and making sure the size is going to be as good as it can be.  After that, we realised that we needed a beam to support the head so that the neck can stick onto the head and it will be more stable. The way that we were going to make this happen was to weld a steel beam into rounded circles.  There were two different circles, one was going to fit inside the neck, the other into the head.  We finally accomplished that, and headed onto making the neck.  This had to have a certain measurement or else it would not fit onto the body. The way that this was going to be rounded, it was by a hand roller. With Andy pushing the tin, I had to put some muscle into rolling the hand roller.  Getting rounded, the tin had to had a few touch ups. With all the materials that we have all made so far, it is coming into place. Finishing off the day at SIT, I washed my hands and felt a tap on my shoulder.  It was Andy with a two dollar coin that he found, and handed over to me.  This will go straight to the i-Pod fund.

Your Blogger out,

PS - This time, I'm out of my overalls because I'm back at Enrich for the rest of the day.-

Thursday, 12 September 2013

A smoko forgotten!

This blog post is always going to be updated... on my thing doing engineering, but not all the time. As I hopped out of the door, opening the construction door there were a herd of human beings! Covered in bright florescent overalls but, I manage to make my way through. I started to chuck my overalls on while Andy was out getting a lesson on go-karts. Andy had bought a small knob, that will be welded on to my drain for a filter to take away the ice when it melts. Walking over to the machinery department, We come across Dave who was working there at the right possible time. The machine we were going to use this time was... um.. ah... ooh. I can't remember anyway. But it's job was cutting the stainless steel with a hole in the middle. It took some time but like everyone says 'practice makes perfect!' This was my only time using this machine. When it got inside the steel it got a lot harder than usual. As the construction started and finished Andy said to Dave "This big boy thinks he knows everything!" 
Bringing out the reflection shield, Andy prepares the welder. Sparks fly up in the air, but don't worry, I do have my visor on! Slowly attaching the BOTTOM Andy only gets it attached before I had to go back here to Enrich.
P.S I am still in my overalls!!
Keep tuning in,

Thursday, 5 September 2013

A mistake - costly...

Friday's back in and rolling! Instead of Stu coming in this morning Andy came in and sorted me out, Stu's on a secret course, I shouldn't be telling anyone, anyway it's not a secret! The first thing we got to work with was the chilly bin for me old man Dad!! The next step was to make that front and back for the chilly bin. To cut the stainless steel I was using a massive machine that cut steel.The measurements were 303cm so that was hopefully the height. The next machine was called a tack welder which make a small tack and it melted the two materials together. But we were on little millimeter over!!! Andy said that's fine! We were finished as soon as possible and Andy gave me an idea of making the rear end have a semi- circle to make it come out. The second machine I used curled steel. The way it worked was that it shaped the material and to make it whatever you wanted. It started bouncing up and down and I jumped like a wallaby! By then it was time to go home. I took my overalls off and and carried on with my blogging.

Your blogger,
Thomas out   

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Diary of a bull kid

"One, two, three, four five, six and seven drums in total!" I told Stu. He and myself went on a rampage for different oil drums around the carpentry area. There were seven different oil drums, and there were four colours, blue for the body, yellow for the legs, green for the neck, yellow and green for the head with reinforcing steel for the tail. Obviously every thing was going great until measurements just fell apart on the both of us. We had everything done until the body of the bull as too long! So Stu showed me how to cut the object. The measurement was meant to be 420mm long but it came up as 600mm long. The gas made a sound out of the tube then suddenly out of the speed of light comes a sound so loud, so terrifying it made my heart jump.
As I wrap one hand over the other, I hold onto the machine, sparks blew everywhere, my eyes jump, steady, steady... Doh! Joking. I did it, I cut through the metal into the inside, Wow! That was it for this afternoon, but still, come on I learnt new tools and new way to construct!
Your blogger out,

Thursday, 8 August 2013

A couple of souvenirs

A dropped mouth surrounded my face, as I was engrossed in a tough game of chess against Katie. Darryn turned around and called my name "Thomas," I spun round and noticed two wise men. They were Stu and Warren. We all left Enrich and headed towards SIT. When Stu and I entered his office, we sat down and discussed my passion project. A picture came up on the screen of Stu's computer, which was a tin bull. He showed me the types of ways to weld, pot rivet, how to sheet metal craft and how to break off metal/tin. 
A big suit of overalls covered my body and a mask with goggles went over my head.
As we went to the station, there were all different gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen and many more! "3, 2, 1 alright go!" shouted Stu. As I press down on the lever it shot sparks everywhere across the room. "Stop" shouted Stu again. I let go of the lever and set the handle free. There were my two souvenirs. One of them were a cylinder and the other was two flat pieces of metal welded together. Stu drove me back to Enrich. As I left his truck, I thanked him and came in here to do this: blogging

Your blogger,

Thursday, 1 August 2013


A Race to save sugar babies rescued by Kyle, Alex and I "How about we plait over one another and create a raft?" I suggest. In the last remaining second "50!" Those babies are counting on us! Well not really babies..... they are sacks full of sugar endangered! Kyle and I sprint to the cellotape: "17." The final moment in Enrich. "2....1..."
Once we built our stretcher that looked like a big ball of garbage, Katie moved us onto the starting line.  Secondly, there were two people carrying the raft a.k.a Kyle and I. We picked up the sugar babies and weaved through the rocks a.k.a. cones and up the mountain (chairs) and down. We stopped and finished! We were the only ones that had crossed the line. Now for the moment of truth. The winners are team stretcher!
It was a good victory but we still haven't claimed our prize Katie!
I've learnt that working in a different team can help you and other people.
Thomas, out

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Computer cataloging

I'm back in action again! 
Wow what a day!
I had spent so much time on my passion project that I didn't really get to eat. Anyway I was e-mailing Stu from SIT and he gave me a few questions which added up to a total of ten answers that I had to solve. There was so much writing involved in it that it almost was a story! Right now he's just got back to me that I might change the date when were going to meet. I've got my homework done and dusted with and now I will probably get materials for my project to catch up with it. I'm ready to start  welding together, the bull not me! What I need is a 20 gallon drum tin and well really thats mostly it. I will be going to SIT on week one or week two of term three. My fingers are thumb from typing all day.
Let's get started!!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

SIT down!!

My toes froze into stiffness. My Blue shoes turned to black while I was walking with Warren. Finally we were under cover. Warren is one of my two "work mates" for helping me to construct my tin bull. I got shown around to my future school and met a couple of Warrens students. I was so lucky to be in there! Finally I was in the carpentry area which is a small furniture room. There were houses, shelves and even machines that were twice my height! The last human being I met was Stu and he was an actual creator of a tin bull so that was just fortunate!! We sat down at SIT (Southern Institute of Technology) and talked about this project of mine. I had a few questions like "where is it going to stay", "how high it is", "should I draw a diagram of the house" and "what is it going to be made out of"? That is all my homework for this week!! Stu said that we might use a twenty gallon drum for the body and some Resene paint to coat the outer layer. We are still working on what it is going to be made out of, that's why I'm paying another trip next week to show him my homework!

Thomas W 
SIT-ing out      

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Imagination to Draw

"Keep going... Yes!" I was successful crossing the bridge. A train consisting of fifteen contained carriages crossed a bridge. Jenny was helping us on how to operate an Ipad. There were five options to choose: We started with Pic collage, then live sketch, next was multi touch maths, smile mad pad and finally SP simple physics. Pic collage is a learning app that help you illustrate. Live sketch was about using you imagination to draw, Multi touch math is a learning math based app to solve questions. Smile mad pad is all about music and SP- simple physics is a building/technology app to help create. My most favourite one would have to be the live sketch because my strongest ability is sketching or drawing! These are lots of fun to play with and to create with.      

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Drama class...

Have you ever joined a drama class? Well today I did!

"Sandwich" yelled Nicola, "Well... Kyle and  I are the bread, Jacob is the bacon and Clara and Tara are the top pieces of it. The pressure was on us! No seriously the pressure was on top of us. The next was a... "Fire place!" yelled Nicola again. It was our turn, Jacob explained, "Kyle and I-(Jacob) are the wood burning, Thomas, Tara and Clara and the surroundings of it. Katie questioned "Are those dead ants?" Everyone cracked up laughing!! 
"Sunday breakfast," whispered Nicola! Our final score was 6/10 and came second out of all.     

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Let's get things started!

This was the first great day of my life!!
He replied saying yes, that's fine with me.
Warren, a man from SIT agreed to help me on my tin animal, (he's a bull). My face was going yellow with a smile! At this stage, I haven't started yet but on my journey I might just tell you more! I've just emailed Warren and I'm waiting for the reply. There was one error on my emailing, I had to think how to write a formal email reply to him and that led to make me do it again. But that email was like a poem, taking it easy! I can't wait to get started. Right now, I'm day dreaming of what it's going to look like? 
My design is beside this text: 
Kind regards,
Thomas ; O 

Thursday, 23 May 2013

The pit...

Have you ever fallen into a pit like I have? Well here is your story for the week. 
Your day's all going fine, getting what your given, not getting in trouble. Until.... you fall in to a pit that's rock bottom!! Say why did this happen? There are hundreds of reasons why!
3.Just natural causes that kids do!
Strategy number one. When you get home do you homework straight away, so you can play with friends. Number two, go to bed early so you don't get in trouble again! Number three, just do what you get told. Number four, Tell someone you trust what you are feeling so they can help you.
This story is so that we can help ourselves when things get a bit tough, having strategies helps make us more resilient!

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Where in the world?

Where in the world is Steve 'O Stag? Where are you? Katie sent us an activity called Steve 'O Stag. It's like finding the hard 'Where's Wally'! But we were using the Internet this time instead of a book to try and answer the clues she gave us! It was quiet hard because there are so many answers! I am on page three out of ten, They are really, really hard but challenging at the same time. The first was hard, the second got worse and the third is brian bending!The first website, no! Second website, no! that kept on going until about the sixth one maybe!
Here's one that you can comment on for the answer:

A container of half eaten food has been left by Steve 'O Stag. The dish appeared as Kimchi. What country and capital city beginning with "S" Does this dish come from?

I might tell you the answer next week.
LOL, Thomas  ;-0

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Game on!

"I can not keep up!" I yelled in my head. Darryn was doing piece after piece after piece! I finally caught up to him and his skills. Didn't fool me now did it. He was showing about half the class how to do all of these advanced chess moves. "Wake up, wake up!" yelled Jemmimah. I fell asleep through the start of the class. How rude was that? Now I have learnt how to master some mindbending tricks during chess. I've got one idea up my sleeve and one at the top of my mind. I'm going to use them in the chess tournament, (that is if I get in!), and I will! This chess tournament is in Dunedin and it's coming up soon. I went last year, and I really want to go again this year. I need to be in the top 6 on the leaderboard, so I need to play, play play!! Game on, boys and girls! I'm going to win. Come first and be crowned the King of Invercargill. Joking, I will probably come last and won't be crowned the King!:(

Thomas, over and out

Thursday, 18 April 2013



BOSS is the four different types of patterns. Beauty, order, strength and survivability. We did a keynote about that when we went on our environment field trip. I have designed how my keynotes going to look like and what pictures are going on there. The first step for me was drag the folder into i-Photo. Next was to edit our photos -  crop, enhance with a magical wand, straighten or delete. I have selected photos for all the categories and liked them. I can't wait till it's finished because it's looking pretty good. Next is a technology challenge and I remember last time. We thought it was sturdy, but guess what, it was a big ball of fur! I wonder how I'm going to do? If I had a magic wand I should use my magic wand!!

BOSS person out!

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Passion time

Q: Do you know what I did today?A: NO not this time, I did passion time.

This time I'm doing/sculpturing tin animals as my passion time. Ill go through the steps with you.
1. Look at helpers
2. SIT
3. Start to design it/Draft in book
4. Grab pictures off the internet. Put them into my scrapbook
5. Contact helper
6. Let's get working!!
I can't wait until I start it. When I finish my next step I get to do another! For my tin animal I am creating a bull;  so far I'm up to the design in my book.  
I've made so many designs that I just can't pick one! 
If you could help please send me a comment of which one you like.


Which one?

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Patterns in the Environment

Q: Do ya know what I did today?
A: I had lunch. Interesting fact you know, Joking!

Come join me. This morning we found our way to the Queens park, No Queens park. We went sight seeing in Paris. Now I'm just getting muddled up with this. We went sight seeing for patterns in the environment. We got into packs of two and I was with Clara, after we all headed of to go sight seeing in Paris. Not again! One of my favourites was in the winter gardens with a pack of beautiful flowers. The four main subjects to find were survivability, strength, beauty and order. 
Here's another:
Have you ever dropped a camera?
My friend did, he thought it broke but with a bit of luck  only one battery fell out.

See ya next time at Paris!!  

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Sketching with Darryn

Welcome back and thanks for reading my blog!
"Err" went the sound of my HB pencil. There are different types of pencils. 2H, 6B. This time we were sketching chess pieces onto a piece of thick paper. I choose to draw two pawns, one close up and one further away. We all also learnt to shade in around overtaking places to make it look more realistic, and added on a horizon line through the middle to make it look like it was standing on a table or seat.
I'm not really an artist, but a mathematician and so I think I did a pretty good job!!
Leave a message to tell me what you think - thanks!

Thursday, 14 March 2013


Hooray, First time winner, next time? 2 points, now 8, 16... and now 24!!! Woah! "No points for team 3" said Nicola. They had picked up their bean bags before they were tallied! The first hoop was worth 2, next was 4, after as 6 and final was 8. My team was neck and neck with the 1st team. My team was team two with only 6 points!!! Nooooo! Not this time. The fist team had won. Victory wasn't ours! "Team 1 with a total of 56, team 2 with a total of 46. The 3rd team with 27 and 4th team with 6. We had came second. I thought better luck next time. :)

Thursday, 7 March 2013


Hey, My group learnt about... Survivability! And what it can do. And that linked to our Concept Curriculum (patterns).Even the wild, animals and herds can protect themselves. We had to write down what things can stay alive from their prey. Zebras go in a herd and confuse prey with stripes! Snow tigers and rabbits hide in snow and pounce out to catch and what I call this one is a poo spider which looks like poo but is a spider and it attracts flies and it has some yummy dinner!! So camouflage means blending in with your surroundings. Darryn had Kfc for lunch and he said that it means (K)kids, (F)fattening, (C) centre!
Gross man!!                                                                              Confusing to you!

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Winner & Loser

Thump!! the ants ran away, "earthquake"!!!

Max's King had fallen over on the checkered chessboard.  Max had given up and put his king down after a series of clash and bash. I was struggling to win against him after all of that. I wiped sweat off my face. "Phew"I said to myself. I shook his hand and carried on. I walked over to Katie with courage and said to her '' I challenge you". Katie was playing Daniel at that time and as soon as I got there the game was over, done and dusted. Katie put both colours (black & white) in behind her  back and I wanted black and I got black. Bits and pieces went and others did too. All I was doing was giving pieces to her.   
"Oh, gosh, not again, really. Two last pieces for me and heaps for Katie. Smash, went my last player, my pawn. She did this and that and these other move. My turn, Stalemate.