SIT down!!
My toes froze into stiffness. My Blue shoes turned to black while I was walking with Warren. Finally we were under cover. Warren is one of my two "work mates" for helping me to construct my tin bull. I got shown around to my future school and met a couple of Warrens students. I was so lucky to be in there! Finally I was in the carpentry area which is a small furniture room. There were houses, shelves and even machines that were twice my height! The last human being I met was Stu and he was an actual creator of a tin bull so that was just fortunate!! We sat down at SIT (Southern Institute of Technology) and talked about this project of mine. I had a few questions like "where is it going to stay", "how high it is", "should I draw a diagram of the house" and "what is it going to be made out of"? That is all my homework for this week!! Stu said that we might use a twenty gallon drum for the body and some Resene paint to coat the outer layer. We are still working on what it is going to be made out of, that's why I'm paying another trip next week to show him my homework!

Thomas W
SIT-ing out
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