Diary of a bull kid
"One, two, three, four five, six and seven drums in total!" I told Stu. He and myself went on a rampage for different oil drums around the carpentry area. There were seven different oil drums, and there were four colours, blue for the body, yellow for the legs, green for the neck, yellow and green for the head with reinforcing steel for the tail. Obviously every thing was going great until measurements just fell apart on the both of us. We had everything done until the body of the bull as too long! So Stu showed me how to cut the object. The measurement was meant to be 420mm long but it came up as 600mm long. The gas made a sound out of the tube then suddenly out of the speed of light comes a sound so loud, so terrifying it made my heart jump.
As I wrap one hand over the other, I hold onto the machine, sparks blew everywhere, my eyes jump, steady, steady... Doh! Joking. I did it, I cut through the metal into the inside, Wow! That was it for this afternoon, but still, come on I learnt new tools and new way to construct!
Your blogger out,
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