Have you ever made a sling shot from limited materials. Well I did that exact same thing today with Paul in Engineering 101. The selected material were unlimited celetape and masking tape, card/paper, 1 straw, 1 paperclip, 1 popsicle stick and 1 rubber band. It wasn't something you throw of course you used it like in this photo.-> ->

Here is a quick riddle to finish off my blog:
It's time to phone a friend for a little math fun ...get your calculator...this works!
(Note: Ignore your area code and use only your seven digit phone number)
1) What are the first 3 digits of your phone number? (do NOT include the area code)
2) Multiply by 80
3) Add 1
4) Multiply by 250
5) Add in the last four digits of phone number
6) Add in the last four digits of phone number again
7) Subtract 250
8) Divide by 2
Is the result your phone number?
Reid always photo bombing photos.
Over and out,
Thomas W
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