"One, two, three, four five, six and seven drums in total!" I told Stu. He and myself went on a rampage for different oil drums around the carpentry area. There were seven different oil drums, and there were four colours, blue for the body, yellow for the legs, green for the neck, yellow and green for the head with reinforcing steel for the tail. Obviously every thing was going great until measurements just fell apart on the both of us. We had everything done until the body of the bull as too long! So Stu showed me how to cut the object. The measurement was meant to be 420mm long but it came up as 600mm long. The gas made a sound out of the tube then suddenly out of the speed of light comes a sound so loud, so terrifying it made my heart jump.
As I wrap one hand over the other, I hold onto the machine, sparks blew everywhere, my eyes jump, steady, steady... Doh! Joking. I did it, I cut through the metal into the inside, Wow! That was it for this afternoon, but still, come on I learnt new tools and new way to construct!
Your blogger out,
A dropped mouth surrounded my face, as I was engrossed in a tough game of chess against Katie. Darryn turned around and called my name "Thomas," I spun round and noticed two wise men. They were Stu and Warren. We all left Enrich and headed towards SIT. When Stu and I entered his office, we sat down and discussed my passion project. A picture came up on the screen of Stu's computer, which was a tin bull. He showed me the types of ways to weld, pot rivet, how to sheet metal craft and how to break off metal/tin.
A big suit of overalls covered my body and a mask with goggles went over my head.
As we went to the station, there were all different gases like carbon dioxide, oxygen and many more! "3, 2, 1 alright go!" shouted Stu. As I press down on the lever it shot sparks everywhere across the room. "Stop" shouted Stu again. I let go of the lever and set the handle free. There were my two souvenirs. One of them were a cylinder and the other was two flat pieces of metal welded together. Stu drove me back to Enrich. As I left his truck, I thanked him and came in here to do this: blogging
Your blogger,
A Race to save sugar babies rescued by Kyle, Alex and I "How about we plait over one another and create a raft?" I suggest. In the last remaining second "50!" Those babies are counting on us! Well not really babies..... they are sacks full of sugar endangered! Kyle and I sprint to the cellotape: "17." The final moment in Enrich. "2....1..."
Once we built our stretcher that looked like a big ball of garbage, Katie moved us onto the starting line. Secondly, there were two people carrying the raft a.k.a Kyle and I. We picked up the sugar babies and weaved through the rocks a.k.a. cones and up the mountain (chairs) and down. We stopped and finished! We were the only ones that had crossed the line. Now for the moment of truth. The winners are team stretcher!
It was a good victory but we still haven't claimed our prize Katie!
I've learnt that working in a different team can help you and other people.
Thomas, out