Today Kyle turned 2 face!! I know its terrifying but we'll all have to live with it. NO Kyle turned 2 face in a Pablo Picasso art called Cubisum. It is when you put 2 faces inside of 1, so basically 2 in 1!! We picked a buddy (Mine was Kyle) and drew their face like Pablo Picasso. I haven't finished yet but it is looking good. But sadly still I have to look at Kyle's 2 face

Over and out,
Thomas ;-)
Please don't bash your computer if you are stressed! I'll tell you how to calm it down. Say "Thank you!"
This task was with Nicola. It was named Stress. I don't know how she came up with that name? We watched a quick clip about how to relax and soothe that stress that you have. Go out for exercise, find your own private place, and most of all take a good ten deep breaths, breathing in and out. We got to relax for ten minute drawing with calming music. It was like I was living in Hawaii: Relaxing... until the music went off... AND we had to stop!
Over and out,
The advise you can trust