G'day Scallywags, today it was pirate name day. My name is Red Bones Three Gates. Anyway... today I didn't go to SIT, I did it here at Enrich so this time I'm going to talk about... CHESS My rival today was Kyle. He put up a good fight but again I took the victory. It was mine. First off he had a Queen about to put me in check but Kyle pined my Queen, and so I did exactly the same to his. This carried on until the dead wire..... Kyle had his King and Rook, suddenly the tension built up and up. After about ten minutes of a game that went to Christmas almost I win in checkmate against my rival!!
Your blogger,
Zipping up my overalls, I realised I forgot the packet of Gingernuts that Katie keeps telling me to take to SIT. (P.S It's for our smoko). Ready to get the day underway I can see all of the materials on the work bench. Walking around the bench I take a good look at what the model looks like. Looking down on the bench, a whiteboard appears that Andy brought over. The first step for today was measuring out the bull and making sure the size is going to be as good as it can be. After that, we realised that we needed a beam to support the head so that the neck can stick onto the head and it will be more stable. The way that we were going to make this happen was to weld a steel beam into rounded circles. There were two different circles, one was going to fit inside the neck, the other into the head. We finally accomplished that, and headed onto making the neck. This had to have a certain measurement or else it would not fit onto the body. The way that this was going to be rounded, it was by a hand roller. With Andy pushing the tin, I had to put some muscle into rolling the hand roller. Getting rounded, the tin had to had a few touch ups. With all the materials that we have all made so far, it is coming into place. Finishing off the day at SIT, I washed my hands and felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Andy with a two dollar coin that he found, and handed over to me. This will go straight to the i-Pod fund.
Your Blogger out,

PS - This time, I'm out of my overalls because I'm back at Enrich for the rest of the day.-

This blog post is always going to be updated... on my thing doing engineering, but not all the time. As I hopped out of the door, opening the construction door there were a herd of human beings! Covered in bright florescent overalls but, I manage to make my way through. I started to chuck my overalls on while Andy was out getting a lesson on go-karts. Andy had bought a small knob, that will be welded on to my drain for a filter to take away the ice when it melts. Walking over to the machinery department, We come across Dave who was working there at the right possible time. The machine we were going to use this time was... um.. ah... ooh. I can't remember anyway. But it's job was cutting the stainless steel with a hole in the middle. It took some time but like everyone says 'practice makes perfect!' This was my only time using this machine. When it got inside the steel it got a lot harder than usual. As the construction started and finished Andy said to Dave "This big boy thinks he knows everything!"
Bringing out the reflection shield, Andy prepares the welder. Sparks fly up in the air, but don't worry, I do have my visor on! Slowly attaching the BOTTOM Andy only gets it attached before I had to go back here to Enrich.
P.S I am still in my overalls!!
Keep tuning in,
Friday's back in and rolling! Instead of Stu coming in this morning Andy came in and sorted me out, Stu's on a secret course, I shouldn't be telling anyone, anyway it's not a secret! The first thing we got to work with was the chilly bin for me old man Dad!! The next step was to make that front and back for the chilly bin. To cut the stainless steel I was using a massive machine that cut steel.The measurements were 303cm so that was hopefully the height. The next machine was called a tack welder which make a small tack and it melted the two materials together. But we were on little millimeter over!!! Andy said that's fine! We were finished as soon as possible and Andy gave me an idea of making the rear end have a semi- circle to make it come out. The second machine I used curled steel. The way it worked was that it shaped the material and to make it whatever you wanted. It started bouncing up and down and I jumped like a wallaby! By then it was time to go home. I took my overalls off and and carried on with my blogging.

Your blogger,
Thomas out