Thursday, 27 September 2012

Wilson game: Bullseye

After chess time the class went out side and played a Wilson games called Bullseye.  You had four beanbags and you had four hoops and you had to throw them into each hoop but the first game was the first hoop was worth 3 points, second worth 6, third worth 9 and the last was worth 12.  In the first game my team got sixty points and we won and the second game we got 11 and again we won!!!  So our score was 71.  Hope you have a awesome holiday !!!!

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Stone carving

This morning we did our passion time and I again did stone carving!!  All  I had to do today was sandpaper and filing.  It only took about 30 min for me to do just about all of it but the only thing I have to do is sandpaper the tip if the carving and Darryn said I was basically done!!  After that it was morning tea and Max was challenging me for like the ten time because he wants to be 4th on the leader board!!  He was starting to get on my nerves.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

10 most polluted cities in the world

After morning tea we watched a small clip about the 10 most polluted cities in the world and they were all in the middle east.  The most polluted city was in Iran!!  Some people had to drive with their lights on and some of the air looked like fog but it was all gas!  Some animals ate rubbish, on the land was just all rubbish and some people had to wear masks because of all the gas in the air.  All of us had to do two facts and one wondering, my wondering was is it cold or hot in the polluted cities and my friend (Jacob) wondered how did the city get polluted in the first place.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Teacher Comment

Great to see you out and about doing your bit to stop water pollution Thomas- Every bit helps! Hopefully people will see the fish you have been painting on the drains and think about where the water is going.
I also really like the way your stone carving is turning out, you have certainly put a lot of effort into getting it the way you want it and it looks great! You always make the most of every day at Enrich Thomas. Keep up the good work!

Environment Projects

After morning tea Max and I when round the neighborhood and painted fish on drains.  Max and I went with Max's Mum.  We painted about fifteen fish.  We had lots of fun and had a few laughs!!  For around the police station we painted the colour blue and the rest were red.  Some had very bad rubbish in them and some didn't.  One of the jokes were padlock the car and paint it on the car.  Max and I named all of our fish funny names.: ): )  Max's Mum took a few photos too.  It was very fun!!  Have a great week!!!: ): )